The Kingstowne Communion is an inclusive & affirming, community-centric, service-driven church that is extending God's table, & we've saved a seat for YOU.
OUR WORSHIP: 10am Sundays at Hayfield
We gather on Sundays at 10am at Hayfield Secondary School (Door #9 off Old Telegraph Rd) in the Kingstowne area of Alexandria, VA, and our worship together is real, relevant, intimate, and engaging, filled with the songs of the faith, a relevant and compelling message, and weekly communion. Nursery care and Sunday School is offered during the worship service for children 0-6th grade.

OUR WAY: courageous, creative, & collaborative
The Kingstowne Communion is a United Methodist church, existing to gather all into communion with Jesus Christ through our three core values of courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good of the community. This, we believe, is not just the mission and vision of our church, but the fierce future of the Church at large.

WATCH: on-the-go & wherever you are
To engage with our most recent watchable content, watch live with bible and note-taking, give effortlessly while you worship, connect to our calendar of events, sign-up to serve, and more, download our church app today. Stream, rewatch, catch-up anytime. For a comprehensive history of our services, sermons, and series, though, we recommend visiting our YouTube channel.