
Order of Worship

December 17, 2023
3rd Sunday of Advent

Gathering Song - BRET
"O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem"
Welcome & Call to Worship - DIRK
(Invite people to stand.)

We could play hard and fast,
not let anything touch us at all,
keep composure, have all the answers.

Or we could crack ourselves open
and let everything in.
We could feel everything:
every touch, every marvel.

We could stand gaping
at the beauty of the world,
mouths wide open.
We could laugh so loudly
that the whole restaurant looks.
We could err on the side of goofy
whenever possible.

We could. We can put down our defenses;
grow soft and choose awe;
and let God lead us all the way to joy.

Congregational Songs - BRET
"Midnight Clear (Love Song)"
"O Come Divine Messiah (Everything Will Change)"
Opening Prayer - DIRK
(Following prayer, call forward the children.)
Children's Moment - CHRISTINE & ROBBIN
(Christine & Robbin will make sure JOY stickers are given to kids and already placed on all chairs for adults.)

Lighting the Advent Wreath - LIZ GREENE & DAUGHTER SARAH
3rd Candle of Joy
(Globes will be passed & kids/congregation offers prayers of joy during response song.)

Response Song - BRET
"Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest)"
(Dismiss children to Sunday School.)
Announcements - BRET
Special Finance Update/Year-End - VIDEO OF MICHELLE
Passing the Peace - DIRK
Scripture Reading - LIZ
Luke 1:57-66
Sermon - DIRK
How Does a Weary World Rejoice (Wk 3)
Allowing Ourselves to Be Amazed
Rev. Dirk Wooten
Prayers of the People & Lord's Prayer - DIRK
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.
Offering Our Gifts - DIRK
"Make Room (O Little Town of Bethlehem)"
Doxology - BRET
(Invite people stand and then after to be seated.)
The Great Thanksgiving & Holy Communion - CLERGY (DIRK, BRITTANY, WHOEVER)
"God With Us"
Benediction - DIRK
(Invite people to stand for the benediction.)
"God With Us"